YESS Blog number 12 Image


September, 2018

Three Ways to a Website

There are generally two paths to take in creating a web site. One of these paths is to have someone design a custom website and the other is by using platforms that have ready templates (or have someone make the website using these platforms).

It is currently possible to find many CMS (Content Management System) solutions. These solutions are designed for people that know what they need. Applications are easy to learn and allow users to update content easily. Word Press, DotNetNuke, Drupal, Joomla, Magento are some popular CMS platforms. There are also some hosting companies like Go Daddy and Wix that offer DIY (do it yourself) websites. Many hosting companies have started to provide such self-service web applications.

If you are not sure about what you want to do, you keep wasting a lot of time on technical aspect and you can’t figure out how your website should serve you then a customized website that comes with consultancy may be a good option. But be careful, how the website will be updated later on must also be planned.

There are pros and cons to either path you choose to start your website preparation. If you choose to create the website with CMS option, you may need some experience in the platform. Otherwise there is the risk of lounging the website with errors and even not being able to lounge it at all due to continuous delays.

Another factor is that these CMS platforms are often more under hacker threats and they may require time and attention on their frequent updates. In time, the interface that you use to may change and you may have hard time getting work done on the new interface.

These kinds of platforms often offer plug-ins or add-ons developed by many developers. Their approaches may differ from yours and it may be difficult to get in touch with these people. You may need to switch to another add-on/plug-in to resolve your requirement. You may also run into programming restrictions of these items. They should also be tested for security vulnerabilities. These kinds of changes may occur daily or monthly and vary for individuals and companies. The scale and context of the website plays a great role in how it will be effected. Many websites end up being far too simple and ordinary.

If you decide to have a custom website prepared, then most probably it will come along with a lot of suggestions by the experienced developer. It will be possible to save yourself from wrong approaches and a lot of mistakes in technical matters and design methods. It may take more time to complete the web site but the website owner will be able to end up with website that meets his/her needs, one that has a design that does not look so much like other sites and has unique qualities to it. However, once the website is completed, the future content updates (text, photo, videos etc.) need to be made through the web site developer. One must take time and currency costs into consideration.

Our company YESS suggests and offers a third alternative which reduces expenses and increases customer satisfaction. In this approach, each website is provided with a “Custom CMS” infrastructure. The website uses all effective methods (gaining clients, search engine codes for SEO, personalized design, UX, strong security etc.) This way the cost is reduced, a solution is created without user having to learn or know technical details and a unique website is created which can be updated without the need for the developer. The times of wasting time for websites is over! This way, everyone can concentrate on their own profession which is what drives their revenue and needs rapid progress.


#( wordpress, CMS, content management system, web development, website choices, creating website, website creation)


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