YESS Blog number 17 Image


May 2020

Advantage of Dynamic Website During Corona Virus Pandemic

The Corona Virus pandemic has profoundly affected many business sectors. Measures taken by governments that restrict people from leaving their homes, have brought services that need crowded environments to a halt. On one hand, there are businesses waiting for the outbreak to end so that everything to returns back to pervious state, on the other hand, there were businesses that focused on needs that came along with the sudden change, and turned this epidemic into opportunity. The progress of isolation has increased the demand for product sales in markets such as health supplies, online food ordering, and hobby items needed for the home. Despite this, travel has stopped as the market demands in cafes - restaurants, gyms and many production areas came to a halt.
The process of digitalization, which was forced by the onset of the outbreak, began to be vital for continuity of business in many sectors. Companies that had previously prepared for digital transformation are now getting more return on their investment than others. One of the most important possibilities offered by digitalization today is to provide employees with the opportunity to work from home. It was inevitable that employees could video chat among their peers and with their clients, share information and documents, and take action virtually. Many aspect of virtual relations and operational matters were already popular regarding reduction of costs. They have now become almost standard way of business.

Instead of waiting for the outbreak to pass, businesses need to think about how they can survive this period without much damage by making use of digital solutions. Dynamic websites are among the top issues. Companies that serve the individual consumers prefer e-commerce sites which they have previously prepared, but companies that do business with other companies (B2B) are those who market products with complex variables, contrary to packaged products. These companies often need a different structure. A website that is well-prepared, offers creative solutions, and uses proven digital methods can provide an advantage in gaining customers and boosting their sales. Such digital tools need to be available to customers and employees so that their businesses is not left behind.

When the activity of customer visits came to a halt with the epidemic, it became important for websites that their visitors found the most suitable products and services on them - also to obtain information about them and to make convenient decisions and purchases. Although video call facilities are effective for interactions alone, a well prepared, simple, useful, mobile compatible website will actually help in closing deals in these virtual meetings. For example, after a small demonstration of a dynamic web site, the customer will be able to benefit from the offerings and share this opportunity with his / her circles. They can visit the site again and again in their own time.

Companies that have allocated time and budget for organic growth on their websites are now getting the highest level of efficiency today. Unfortunately, growing organically instantly is not possible. It takes time. However, one can start today. It will most probably provide a lot of benefits in the future. Even if the epidemic gradually leaves us, it seems that after this point, the future will be intertwined with digital solutions. Those who have recently seen benefits of the digital way will continue to benefit from low cost customer acquisition and virtual aspect of business satisfaction.


#( Dynamic Website, working from home, pendemic, corona virus, online meeting, b2b, digital transformation, digital way)


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